February Ministry Update


Wow, February is here! January was such a long but good month of ministry. We had our first week of school in Denton and then went straight into Winter Camp for a full four days. Our guest speaker was John Steakhouse and he broke down what it means to be a christian. We had a record breaking attendance of over 600 people at camp. It was so incredible to see the hearts of college students during worship and even during free time. We had a night of lamenting and a few students were asked to share their lament of different things that they have experienced in their life and how God has rescued and redeemed them.

A common theme for me during winter camp was just a reminder of just how good our God is. With the death of my dad and just all of the difficult life experiences that followed as a reaction to his death, the Lord has always been SO faithful. I was consistently reminded that not only is there so much power in the name of Jesus, but it's also just such a beautiful name. I get to see Jesus in every sunset, in every sunrise,  and in every leave that falls to the ground.

This was during our lament service. There were so many powerful student testimonies. I was so moved and my heart was so broken for all of the loss and hardships that our students have faced in their lifetimes. I was filled with so much hope by the end of the night. God is so good and he brings freedom and restoration.

My friend Ryan! He is another apprentice here with me in Denton. He moved from Plano to Denton to do ministry this year. He has such a sweet heart and is such a big brother to all of our students and looks out for our younger students in our ministry. We hit winter camp too hard because we wanted to make the most of our time with our students; we were so tired, we slept in the car the entire way home.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support during this phase of my life. I truly wouldn't be here without your love and support. These 10 months are flying by and what a joy it has been.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for our students as they are on campus and back in their classes.
  • Pray for our students that are applying for the FOCUS apprenticeship for the next school year.
  • Pray for graduating students as they look for their next phase of life after graduation. Pray that the Lord will lead them and guide them..
  • Pray for our next pizza theology that is coming up. Pray that the minds and hearts of our students will be prepared for what they will learn and please pray for the staff members that are preparing to speak and teach our students.

Student Testimony


  1. Hey Brittany! LOL @ "John Steakhouse" haha not quite. Thanks for sharing everything about Winter Camp! I think it was such a sweet and special time for our students. You were not the only one who needed a nap afterward!

    Keep up the good work! Proud of you!


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