
Showing posts from May, 2019

May Ministry Update

May is finally here!! May is here, May is here May is here!!! The school year is here is now coming to close. Finals are beginning, the weather is warming up, and the apprenticeship is wrapping up.  We had Spring Showcase at the beginning of April and it was such an incredible show. We were able to raise money for our students going to SICM (Student Institute of Campus Ministry). Thank you so much for everyone who came and supported our students and the vision the lord has given them. Our students and staff will be leaving for Washington on May 10th. Our student leader team was getting very stressed with the semester coming to a close and classes pilling up so we decided to have a fun leader meeting. For fun, we began planning our end of the year formal and had our students get in random groups and come up with an axiom rap. An axiom is a nugget of wisdom that we use to remind and encourage our students in ministry. Some of our favorites are "one on