
Showing posts from February, 2019

February Ministry Update

February~ Wow, February is here! January was such a long but good month of ministry. We had our first week of school in Denton and then went straight into Winter Camp for a full four days. Our guest speaker was John Steakhouse and he broke down what it means to be a christian. We had a record breaking attendance of over 600 people at camp. It was so incredible to see the hearts of college students during worship and even during free time. We had a night of lamenting and a few students were asked to share their lament of different things that they have experienced in their life and how God has rescued and redeemed them. A common theme for me during winter camp was just a reminder of just how good our God is. With the death of my dad and just all of the difficult life experiences that followed as a reaction to his death, the Lord has always been SO faithful. I was consistently reminded that not only is there so much power in the name of Jesus, but it's also just such a bea