October Ministry Update!

Hey my friends!! It is finally October and fall has officially arrived! September has been a super packed month. At the beginning of the month, the Denton staff went to Altitude, a trampoline park here in Denton! We had such a blast getting to bond outside "work". It really brought out the kid in all of us! We were doing flips and diving into foam pits and playing fun trampoline games we use to play as kids! I have been so blessed to work with such a fun and supportive staff! They have loved me so well and working with them has been a treat!

Story Time!

Story time is a fun outreach event that we started doing this month! We are trying different things for outreach because UNT is such a diverse campus and we ant to reach out to every student on our campus! For story time, we sit on a hill and set up our banner and picnic blankets! Each staff member takes turns sitting in the big comfy chair and we tell stories! Then between each stories we talk to the students listening and get them discussing the meaning and importance of each story!

Staff Meetings

Every week our staff team gets together and plans upcoming ministry events that we will be having! For the last month or so, we have been planning fall camp and it is finally coming soon! During our discussion of plans for fall camp Baby Willow wanted to be apart of the meeting! At just 6 months old, sweet Willow is our honorary staff member and was just dedicated to the Lord this past Sunday!

Friday Night Fellowship

Friday Night Fellowship is where our entire community gets together and worships the Lord! We have just finished our sermon series on "It's the thought that counts". For the last few weeks we have been talking about finding truth, questioning ourselves, culture, and God!

Kassi is a sweet girl in my peer team! She facilitates a girl's core at UNT! She has been learning so much about trusting God and learning what it means to walk in step with the Holy Spirit! She is so loving and excitable and getting to meet with her every week is always a great time!!

Student Testimony


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